Wednesday, 23 March 2016


Me rafting down the river .
Me and the boys having dessert .
Trying to make a back pack with tape and news paper . 
The Mummies dancing to I am a gummy bear
One of my favorite parts of camp was tubing down the river. Tubing was one of my favorite parts of camp because I could relax and float down the river. For us to raft down the river we had to walk all the way up the river and there were heaps of stones on the ground .

I am proud of myself because at camp I took on challenges and they turned out to be fun. My biggest challenge was fear factor, having to eat something that sounded awful and I was going to spew but turned out to be alright. Like I thought it was a bug but it was a fig and I thought it was blood but it was coconut water .                                                                                              
One of my biggest challenges was trying to beat the record on the water slide. I made it past the end of the water slide but I didn't beat the record, at least I tried. My strategy to beat the record was dive down on my tummy.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Nail & wool art

My nail & wool art
Something that has challenged me was hammering in the nails in the right  place, that took a long time. 
I am proud of my work because of the time and effort I put into it.
   I learnt that taking your time in work makes your work stand out.
Looking at my Art tells me a story about myself because green is my favorite color and the letters spell my name.

Friday, 4 March 2016

Mary Celeste Writing

Something that challenged me was having to go back and back to put tiny bits of information and detail but that was good because then I'll get very very smart. I have been learning  to put good detail and information into my writing. I am proud of my writing because I've put a very good picture in the readers head which makes my writing sound good.

Mary Celeste
Dear reader
I've Been Stuck on this island since I think 1872 to 1874 . With my friend Buckaroo. With only two palm trees full of coconuts and to get up the tree I need to climb up like a monkey. l can hear is the waves sloshing, splashing  and my friend sipping on coconut milk . I feel worried and scared I wish I could be at home with my family. My skin feels dry and wrinkled and all I can see is blue skies.

This is how I washed up on the island it was quite a scary story but, here I go
splash!!! Bang!!! was the sound of a storm smashing on our ship. I felt very worried I men very very  worried . The ship feels slippery and slimy. “Quick get inside crew before we slip of the boat.” Whoa we all fell of and so did a plank of smashed up jagged piece of wood of the ship but only me and buckaroo  made it on to it everyone else drowned.Two days  later we had floated to this island I’m on now.

I rolled up the letter found a old green looking bottle, just sitting there so I  
installed the letter into the bottle , then I placed it in the sea and , watched it bob away….. a month later I no because I counted the nights and days….. her nnnnn!!! was the sound of a huge boat heading towards me I’m saved.